All pages should be at the same size with Crop Marks Text and images should be 8mm inner from Crop Marks Bleed area around the page should be 4mm. All RGB images should be converted to CMYK and Gray images to Grayscale. All images should be at a High Quality CMYK (images below 150 dpi will fail preflight). All…

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  We are the best when it comes to printing your brochure! There are very few statements as powerful as a brilliantly designed and printed brochure presented to a potential customer. From its tangibility and ability to have a one on one connection with its readers, print has a vital part to play in a modern marketing mix. NBF have…

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  The most popular books in book shops - perfect for any printing need. Paperback books need no introduction. They are the most popular book type and the ones we are asked to print most often. Sometimes referred to as perfect bound or softback books they are perfect for any printing need. Novels, poetry collections, travel guides, student’s book, children's…

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  Magazine Printing Experts We are incredibly passionate when it comes to printing magazines! Our goal has always been to provide solutions to fit the needs of every publisher for an excellent price. To best achieve this, we have worked incredibly hard over many years to create a unique company culture. Whether your title is monthly, weekly or even annually…

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  We Make Catalogue Printing Easy! As many marketers know, a physical printed catalogue has a huge presence in the marketing mix. From its brilliant engagement rates, tangibility and trust print has so much to offer. The only problem is that it can be quite daunting to sift through the jargon and noise. Working with a company like us, you…

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